Interactive Map of Renewable and Alternative Energy Projects in the UK

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About the Renewable Energy Map
Project lists: Wind Farms | Hydro Schemes | Biomass | Waste | CHP | Wave & Tidal | Solar |    

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Started in 2008 and still going strong!

The renewable energy map was originally developed to fill what was a gap in information about the major renewable energy schemes in the UK, generally those over 1MW.

The data that has been gathered for the renewables map has invariably come from a wide range of web resources, in all cases these will be referenced, usually by a link to that information. Locations are either taken from existing data, usually from planning applications and the installers public data, or by painstakingly identifying the location on the ground using online maps. In each case I aim to cross reference between data sets.

Relying on single resources has proven problematic as many projects are shown as being in very different locations to where they really are, an error that is corrected on the renewables map.

In the case of wind farms, this now increasingly includes individual turbines - about 5,000 so far identified with detailed locations.

There are of course rare errors (such as landfill's at sea), though these are corrected as soon as they are identified.

Some data is coming from web site visitors, this is really appreciated and helps to make the map ever more accurate. The donated information is taken very seriously and in some cases updated on to the map while the user is still continuing to browse!

The map is subject to constant development, both with the volume of data displayed, the efficiency and speed of display and other ways of using the data.

In addition to what is shown, I also store: Hub heights; Turbine data; detailed latitude and longitude; county; elevation.

Current plans see: Proposed developments to the map

If you have any views, information or ideas, please tell me. Also, please feel free to link to the map!

Copying the data: Please don't try to copy this wholesale in order to make a competing map - really, is there any point? Should you wish to have access to the data for a particular project, please feel free to ask, I am very approachable.


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