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St Nicholas Solar Farm

St Nicholas Solar Farm (Solar , Active)

 General Information.

Location in the UK : England, Kent, St Nicholas at Wade, Thanet    
Type of installation: Solar    on/offshore: on
Solar Panels :0  Capacity : 0.6 MW
Acreage:3   or approx Hectares : 1.2
Approx Date of 1st power generation: July 2011



The 0.6 MWp St. Nicholas Solar Farm in Kent consists of 2,400 ground-mounted photovoltaic modules over an area of 1.17 hectares and will meet the annual electricity requirements of around 150 households, saving 7,000 tonnes CO2 over the lifetime of the project.


St Nicholas Court Farm St Nicholas at Wade nr Birchington CT7 0NJ England

 Associated Companies.

Relationship Company (For: St Nicholas )
Developervogt solar ltd (sic)

 DECC Data on this Project: St Nicholas :

Please note that where multiple DECC rcords are available, all are shown in order. eg Project then repowering / extension, or refused project then resubmitted.

Site Name:     MW
Energy Type:
County:     Country:     LPA:
Site ID and Reference: /     District:
Applicant:     Application : (Go to search to find Application)
Site Address:
County: Region:
OS Coordinates: /
Development Status:
Application Submitted: Planning Permission Granted
Application Determined: Permission refused:
Construction Date:    
Generator Live This Record Last Updated:
RO Banding (ROC/MWh) FiT Tariff (p/kWh):
  --- Additional Dates where relevant ----
Application Withdrawn:    
Permission Expiration Date:    
Secretary of State - Appeal Lodged:
Called In: Appeal Withdrawn:
Refusal: Appeal Refused:
Granted: Appeal Granted:

 OFGEM Data on this Project: St Nicholas: Solar : G04266PVEN

Site Name: St Nicholas Court Farm
Generator Type: Photovoltaic
Scheme : REGO Generator ID: G04266PVEN
Capacity: 280 Status: Live
Accreditation Date:    
Commission Date: 7/16/2011    
Applicant: St Nicholas Court Farms Ltd
Applicant Address: St Nicholas Court Court Road St Nicholas at Wade near BIRCHINGTON CT7 0NJ England
Address: St Nicholas Court Farm St Nicholas at Wade nr Birchington CT7 0NJ England
Assumptions: Capacity: 280kW 0.28 MW,
Thus over the month Capacity * 720 hours per month = 201.6 MWh
Output Period LECs Issued ROCs Issued REGO Certs Capacity Factor Status
82 29.29% Issued
51 18.21% Redeemed
01/08/2016 - 31/12/2016 00 104 37.14% Issued
Jul-16 00 37 13.21% Issued
Jul-16 00 37 13.21% Issued
Jun-16 00 32 11.43% Issued
Jun-16 00 32 11.43% Issued
May-16 00 41 14.64% Issued
Apr-16 00 35 12.50% Issued
Mar-16 00 25 8.93% Redeemed
Feb-16 00 12 4.29% Redeemed
Jan-16 00 8 2.86% Redeemed
Dec-15 00 5 1.79% Redeemed
Nov-15 00 2 0.71% Redeemed
Oct-15 00 2 0.71% Redeemed
Sep-15 00 49 17.50% Redeemed
Aug-15 00 33 11.79% Redeemed
Jul-15 290 29 10.36% Redeemed
Jun-15 290 42 15.00% Redeemed
May-15 300 38 13.57% Redeemed
Apr-15 300 38 13.57% Redeemed
Mar-15 190 25 8.93% Redeemed
Feb-15 170 17 6.07% Redeemed
Jan-15 60 7 2.50% Redeemed
Dec-14 10 5 1.79% Redeemed
Nov-14 60 6 2.14% Redeemed
Oct-14 200 20 7.14% Redeemed
Sep-14 300 30 10.71% Redeemed
Aug-14 360 36 12.86% Redeemed
Jul-14 410 1 0.36% Redeemed
Jun-14 420 42 15.00% Redeemed
May-14 450 45 16.07% Redeemed
Apr-14 370 37 13.21% Redeemed
Mar-14 270 28 10.00% Redeemed
Feb-14 190 1 0.36% Redeemed
Jan-14 90 9 3.21% Redeemed
Dec-13 70 6 2.14% Redeemed
Nov-13 110 1 0.36% Redeemed
Oct-13 200 20 7.14% Redeemed
Sep-13 260 26 9.29% Redeemed
Aug-13 430 42 15.00% Redeemed
Jul-13 470 47 16.79% Redeemed
Jun-13 360 36 12.86% Redeemed
May-13 340 34 12.14% Redeemed
Apr-13 430 43 15.36% Redeemed
Mar-13 130 13 4.64% Redeemed
Feb-13 110 11 3.93% Redeemed
Jan-13 130 12 4.29% Redeemed
Dec-12 50 5 1.79% Redeemed
Nov-12 120 11 3.93% Redeemed
Oct-12 200 20 7.14% Redeemed
Sep-12 310 34 12.14% Redeemed
Aug-12 320 38 13.57% Redeemed
Jul-12 330 40 14.29% Redeemed
Jun-12 310 37 13.21% Redeemed
May-12 310 38 13.57% Redeemed
Apr-12 310 30 10.71% Redeemed
Mar-12 290 29 10.36% Redeemed
Feb-12 140 14 5.00% Redeemed
Jan-12 100 9 3.21% Redeemed
Dec-11 40 5 1.79% Redeemed
Nov-11 120 12 4.29% Redeemed
Oct-11 260 26 9.29% Redeemed
Sep-11 270 27 9.64% Redeemed
Aug-11 290 29 10.36% Redeemed
Jul-11 80 8 2.86% Redeemed
31 11.07% Issued
210 75.00% Issued
17 6.07% Issued

Project Info
Couple settle secretly over wind farm case at High Court
Julian and Sarah Davis, of Grays Farm, in Deeping ST NICHOLAS, launched a claim and an injunction against defendants including Fenland Windfarms and Fenland Green Power Co-operative

Couple launch landmark battle to silence turbines
They claim it became so intolerable they were forced to move from their home in Deeping ST NICHOLAS, Lincolnshire, six months after the eight-turbine wind farm began operating just over half a mile from their home in 2006.

Noisy wind farm 'drove couple out of their home'
Jane and Julian Davis, moved out of Grays Farm, Deeping ST NICHOLAS, near Spalding, Lincs, four years ago because of the strain of living with the incessant noise.

©2018 Simon Mallett
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©2017 Simon Mallett
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